Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rejoining the blogging world

I've kept a running list of blog post titles for a few months now but decided to rejoin the blogging world for 3 reasons.

1. I was inspired and convinced by a recent informational interview I had with someone within my company who runs the company's social media platform that having a blog would be a useful way to keep track of my ideas and make more public some of the side projects I work on outside of my day job as a credit risk management associate.

2. I also found that making regular blog posts wouldn't be as daunting if I had a plan of attack for each day. This is what both Jason Shen and Christina Feng do on their well worth reading blogs. My old blog, What I Made to Eat Today, fizzled after I traveled abroad for work and no longer cooked regularly.

3. I want to continue curating articles and interesting links for my friends without spamming their inboxes. I also want to share more about the projects and ideas I'm involved with.

So here is what you can expect for now:

Monday- Monday Musings
Tuesday - Book/Article worth reading
Wednesday - Wednesday is Woman focused (very likely someone related to the Asian Women's Leadership University Project (AWLU) . I head the networking efforts for the AWLU project.
Thursday - Career related thoughts/lessons/experiences
Friday -Foodie Friday! Friday will be food or eating related!

It is technically Monday so I have two posts today!

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